I'm Not There


Quotes from "This is Not a Bob Dylan Movie" by Robert Sullivan, New York Times Sunday Magazine (10/07/07):

Todd Haynes’s Dylan project is a biopic starring six people as Bob Dylan, or different incarnations of Bob Dylan, including a 13-year-old African-American boy, Marcus Carl Franklin, and an Australian woman, Cate Blanchett. It’s a biopic with a title that takes it name from one of the most obscure titles in the Dylan canon, a song available only as a bootleg, called "I'm Not There."
“I just found this refusal to be fixed as a single self in a single voice as a key to his freedom,” Haynes [said]. “And he somehow escaped this process of being frozen into one fixed person.”
“If a film were to exist in which the breadth and flux of a creative life could be experienced, a film that could open up as oppose to consolidating what we think we already know walking in, it could never be within the tidy arc of a master narrative. The structure of such a film would have to be a fractured one, with numerous openings and a multitude of voices, with its prime strategy being one of refraction, not condensation. Imagine a film splintered between seven separate faces — old men, young men, women, children — each standing in for spaces in a single life.” [Todd Haynes, in a letter pitching the film idea to Bob Dylan.] (A seventh Dylan...was eventually cut.)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZGseissqX8&w=425&h=350]