Intimacy and Longing for Intimacy, One Song


and longing for intimacy, one 
song. A disastrous surrender 

and a fine love, together. The one 
who secretly hears this is senseless. 

A tongue has one customer, the ear. 
A sugarcane flute has such effect 

because it was able to make sugar 
in the reedbed. The sound it makes 

is for everyone. Days full of wanting, 
let them go by without worrying 

that they do. Stay where you are 
inside such a pure, hollow note. 

Every thirst gets satisfied except 
that of these fish, the mystics, 

who swim a vast ocean of grace 
still somehow longing for it! 

No one lives in that without 
being nourished every day. 

But if someone doesn't want to hear 
the song of the reed flute, 

it's best to cut conversation 
short, say good-bye, and leave.