Before You Know It
"How’s this poem for its ability to collapse all the years from childhood to middle age in a matter of fifteen short lines?"
A son and his father, I knew
from their looks, the son with his
right hand on the handrail,
the father, left hand on the left,
and in the middle they were
holding hands
~ Ted Kooser
Turning to Me
"Our voices echo in the spray
and steam of this room where once,
long ago, he knelt at the tub’s edge
to pour cups of bathwater over my head."
Just Another Map
How many science classes
are required to convince a believer
the sun never rises or sets,
that thunderstorms don't have personalities?
Live Your Life
"There are so many beautiful things in the world which I will have to leave when I die, but I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready."
~ Maurice Sendak
The Ego Will Be Asked to Open to Something Larger
"The ego wishes comfort, security, satiety; the soul demands meaning, struggle, becoming. The contention of these two voices sometimes tears us apart. Ordinary ego consciousness is crucified by these polarities. Again, the paradox emerges that in our suffering, in our symptoms, are profound clues as to the meaning of the struggle, yet the path of healing is very difficult for the apprehensive ego to accept, for the ego will be asked to be open to something larger than itself."
~ James Hollis, from Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up