Why Meditate?
"Why meditate? As you suffer less, are more fulfilled, as you understand who you are, and as you have a handle on changing how you carry yourself, all of that sums up ultimately in how you contribute to making this world a better place."
~ Shinzen Young
Curiosity is Naturally Rewarding
"The paradox here is that mindfulness is just about being really interested in getting close and personal with what's actually happening in our bodies and minds from moment to moment."
~ Dr. Judson Brewer
Solution Aversion
"A new study finds that deeply held beliefs can undermine rationality: When confronted with solutions that challenge deeply held values, people may be inclined to disbelieve the problem."
~ Brandon Keim
Simple to Practice, Difficult to Remember
People tell me they find it satisfying to pay closer attention to the sensory details of ordinary experience, but that they get frustrated with themselves when they forget to practice.
What makes it so difficult to establish a habit even when we’re convinced of its benefits?