When I Feel At Home
"When I feel at home (or when someone else truly makes me feel at home), I feel comfortable, supported, safe, and relaxed, like I don’t need anything. At those times, my past ceases to be a neon marquee of regrets, and my future is no longer an unending to-do list, bullet-pointed by unrealistic expectations. Feeling at home is the feeling that I can just be myself."
~ Ethan Nichtern
To Broaden And Deepen Your Own Sense Of Presence
"I began to realize that the only place where things were actually real was at this frontier between what you think is you and what you think is not you."
~ David Whyte
Watching the Clock
"As conscious human beings, we know we die, and we therefore know our clock ends on, some level. So time just seems foundational. And I think a lot of the gymnastics that we do as human beings has to do with our relationship to the clock, or lack of a relationship to the clock. We squander time until it’s too late, et cetera. I love looking at the building blocks, the raw material, the irreducibles."
~ B.J. Miller
Stories about the End of Stories
"The dominant story of modernity has been progress. Although still hardwired into our institutions, that story has lost most of its plausibility. new genres are taking its place: apocalypse and nihilism. Apocalypse is the imminent and triumphant conclusion of our most cherished stories. Nihilism is their collapse. Both are stories about the end of stories."
~ David R. Loy
My Tribe is Scattered
Oh, I have made myself a tribe
out of my true affections,
and my tribe is scattered!
~ Stanley Kunitz
A Vital Part of Aliveness
"One of the beautiful things about the early twilight at this time of year, as it fades into the dark of the long nights, is that you can just surrender yourself to it. Allow the twilight to remind you that it is a time of consideration and renewal. Know full well that in this world the darkness and the light are one. There is no new dawn without the night; their seeming separateness disguises a unity that reflects the unity of life, an unfathomable dance of opposites. This paradox is the very essence of what it is to be alive—joy and pain, sickness and health, light and dark, wonder and fear."
~ Phillip Moffitt
So Much More than You Really Know
"We have different moods that profoundly change our outlook, and it’s not right to let your worst one murder all the others." ~ Jennifer Michael Hecht