Always Vanishing
"The trouble with the present is
that it's always in a state of vanishing.
Take the second it takes to end
this sentence with a period – already gone."
~ Billy Collins
The Myth of Permanence
"Contemplating impermanence can be a liberating experience, one that brings both sobriety and joy."
~ Sakyong Mipham
Departure Lounge
"Truth clears away / So many souvenirs. The shelves come clean." ~ Clive James
Life after Death
"When I go, I hope someone grabs hold of me. But I have to promise I’m grabbing hold of who's gone before." ~ Dario Robleto
Now and Now and Now
"You think you will never forget any of this, you will remember it always just the way it was. But you can't remember it the way it was. To know it, you have to be living in the presence of it right as it is happening. It can return only by surprise."
~ Wendell Berry
Hey! Watch This.
"Look, mine is not a unique situation. Everybody loses ability — everybody loses ability as they age. If you're lucky, this happens over the course of a few decades."
~ David Rakoff
Lost Poems, Legends, and Proverbs
"Language reveals a lot about our cognitive system, about how you recognize the world you see around you...Every time you lose a language, you’ve lost part of the picture of what the human intellect is capable of.”
~ David Rood
Constant Motion
"Nothingness itself—instead of being empty space—is alive with possibility. In metaphysical terms, wabi-sabi suggests that the universe is in constant motion toward or away from potential."
~ Leonard Kohen
Feeling Slightly Out of It Most of the Time
"actually, it may be that just being yourself as a human being means feeling slightly out of it most of the time. And that a form of enlightenment is to understand that you'll never feel quite at home in the world and you're not meant to, because your sense of compassion for the rest of creation and for others depends on your understanding of exile — how far a creature, especially a human creature, can feel from true parentage, from their true inheritance, from their true home."
~ David Whyte