Why Meditate?
"Why meditate? As you suffer less, are more fulfilled, as you understand who you are, and as you have a handle on changing how you carry yourself, all of that sums up ultimately in how you contribute to making this world a better place."
~ Shinzen Young
Happiness is Home
“Happiness doesn’t lie in conspicuous consumption and the relentless amassing of useless crap..."
~ Dennis Lehane
Liberation through Intimacy
Transcendence isn't an escape plan, but an engagement strategy: liberation through intimacy. Transcending the self and the world begins with deeply accepting the self and the world. It grows naturally out of countless direct experiences of life as it is being lived and an intimate familiarity with how its composition constantly fluctuates.
Paradox of the Border
"What is this addiction? We have destabilized much of the world with our addiction. We’ve created a drug economy in Afghanistan, in Thailand, in Bolivia and we’ve caused turmoil in Guatemala and now we have elevated thugs in Mexico to the status of billionaires with our despair. And yet, we are an optimistic people."
~ Richard Rodriguez
We Crave More
We assume that things we are attracted to will relieve our suffering and raise our happiness.
The Goal of the Meditation Practice
"The ultimate thing that meditation can do for the individual is show them how their happiness does not need to be dependent on conditions.
When does a person have their happiness not dependent on a condition? Whenever they are having a complete experience."
~ Shinzen Young
It Must Ensue
"Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself.
Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it."
~ Viktor Frankl
Small Wins and Deliberate Mediocrity
"Tiny goals, even absurdly tiny ones, can be an effective way to sneak under the radar of your mind, which always stands ready to procrastinate on, or otherwise resist, bigger ambitions: you might laugh at the idea of doing 15 seconds of exercise, but for exactly that reason, you’re also much less likely to resist it. (The next day, make it 20 seconds, and so on.)"
~ Oliver Burkeman
The Power of Negative Thinking
"Behind all of the most popular modern approaches to happiness and success is the simple philosophy of focusing on things going right. But ever since the first philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome, a dissenting perspective has proposed the opposite: that it's our relentless effort to feel happy, or to achieve certain goals, that is precisely what makes us miserable and sabotages our plans."
~ Oliver Burkeman