Time and Light are Kinds of Love
“Do you remember?
that time and light are kinds
of love, and love
is no less practical
than a coffee grinder
or a safe spare tire?”
~ Tony Hoagland
The Story You Tell Yourself about the World
"It’s easier to live in the story you tell yourself about the world rather than the world itself."
~ Nate Staniforth
Inhabited Simplicity
"Holiness is reached not through effort or will, but by stopping; by an inward coming to rest; a place from which we can embody the spirit of all our holy days, a radical, inhabited simplicity, where we live in a kind of ongoing surprise and with some wonder and appreciation."
~ David Whyte
What Really Matters
"There’s a tendency for us to think that to be a prophet or to do anything grand, you have to have a special gift, be someone called for. And I think ultimately what really matters is the resolve — to want to do it, to give your life to that which you consider important."
~ Enrique Martínez Celaya
I Can't Explain Why We Live This Way
"Chaos and commotion wherever I go,
Love I try to follow."
~ Brett Dennen
Refine Your Lens
When I talk to people about finding stories in their life, I'm talking about finding things that are almost in their everyday that they can bring great meaning to and connect to audiences or to people around the lunch table.
~ Matthew Dicks
Completely Drowned Out
"I don’t like when precious things slip through people’s fingers—especially things that seem defenseless or undercelebrated, like old newspapers, but also unheralded people who may have said sensible things at a certain time in history, but who were completely drowned out by other people. Or minor poets whose lives were instructive."
~ Nicholson Baker
Bored Incarnations of Eternity
"How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such a fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself as anything less than a god?" ~ Alan Watts
Surprised By A Moment of Zen
Watch what happens when people take an unexpected break in their day.
The Longer You Do It, the Harder It is to Stop
Toronto-based photographer Jeff Harris is engaged in an ongoing project: he's had his picture taken—either as a self-portrait or by a friend—every day since January 1, 1999.