Feeling It for Yourself
"If I could explain what the one biggest shift has been from when I was 17 and suicidal to today and 22 and a lot healthier place, it's just that before I used to try to run away from my pain and tell no one about it, and now I try and run right into it and tell the people closest to me about it."
~ Kevin Breel
Lost within the Space Between
"Finding the dickhead inside [lead to] actually finding quite a liberation."
~ Damien Rice
We Don't Want to Want
"We cannot receive love, however, if we are not open to the raw and tender experience of wanting it. Suppressing or denying desire shuts down our openness to receiving nourishment, and thus only intensifies our hunger."
~ John Welwood
Finally Paying Attention to All of Myself
"How do I understand that I am enough for the mere fact that I exist?"
~ Jennifer Moon
They Would Not Understand
"We are surrounded at every instant
by sights that ought to strike the sane
unbenumbed person tongue-tied, mute
with gratitude and terror. However,