You Don't Even Have to Do It Well
"I mean, it works. All you have to do is do it. You don’t even have to do it well – or right."
~ Mary Karr
You are Not Your Thoughts
"You are the awareness of your thoughts. You are not your thoughts. You can let your thoughts happen. Just know that the real you is the awareness."
~ RuPaul
Lost within the Space Between
"Finding the dickhead inside [lead to] actually finding quite a liberation."
~ Damien Rice
A Series of Present Moments
"Fiction, like poetry, works at its best when it brings together emotion as well as idea, passion as well as characters in the illusory unfolding we call time—when it works close to the timing of the human pulse, to the flow of our blood, to the beat of our heart."
~ Alan Cheuse
When I first started practicing mindfulness, I saw internal words — aka verbal thoughts — as my opponents. Like most people, I thought the point was to not think. When verbal thoughts were present, I was obviously not. Start over. Try harder.
There's just one problem with this approach. It is normal for the mind to think in words.
A Few Seconds of Acceptance
"This simple act of acceptance – which may only last a few seconds – offers a taste of that open space of essence love, an acceptance of the warmth that is your basic nature, the heart of your own being."
~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Constantly Rolling
"The truly still mind, with which you were born, is the mind that moves freely. Without ignoring anything, it reacts wholeheartedly to everything it encounters, to everything on which it reflects. And yet, for all that, it is the mind that is never seized by anything, but is always ready to react on the spot to whatever it encounters next. The mind that is still is the mind that never forfeits its freedom and is able to constantly keep rolling and rolling and rolling."
~ Sōkō Morinaga
The Atomic Components of Narrative Elements
Stories and our individual lives share the same elements: protagonists, antagonists, conflict, plot, action, climax, and resolution. What are the atomic components that make these narrative elements possible?