I Can't Explain Why We Live This Way
"Chaos and commotion wherever I go,
Love I try to follow."
~ Brett Dennen
Get Caught Up in Minutiae or See the Texture
"When we get caught up in the minutiae, the details that make us all different, there's two ways of seeing that. You can see the texture of that person, the qualities that make them unique. Or you can go to war about it – say, That person is different from me, I don't like you, so let's battle."
~ Mahershala Ali
What Makes a Place Feel Like Home?
"Home is a place where you feel accepted, whether you are Jacob leaving Egypt to be buried in his true home, or a young teen who desires to feel accepted by family and society. I urge everyone to continue to strive for good character and to accept people who may look or act differently. In this way we will all experience home; we will all receive blessings."
~ Eleanor Teweles
Enjoy the Contradiction
"I've come to believe that part of being who I am is being uncomfortable."
~ Claire Hoffman
Living with Spaciousness
"After you read a poem just knowing you can hold it, you can be in that space of the poem. And it can hold you in its space."
~ Naomi Shihab Nye
How Rare and Beautiful It Truly Is that We Exist
"with shortness of breath, i’ll explain the infinite—
how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist."
~ Sleeping at Last
Not Static, But Dynamic
"We know that you're made up of trillions of little things made from more little things that are constantly changing. Together, all those little things are not static, but dynamic."
When I Feel At Home
"When I feel at home (or when someone else truly makes me feel at home), I feel comfortable, supported, safe, and relaxed, like I don’t need anything. At those times, my past ceases to be a neon marquee of regrets, and my future is no longer an unending to-do list, bullet-pointed by unrealistic expectations. Feeling at home is the feeling that I can just be myself."
~ Ethan Nichtern
You Have To Have A Strategy
"You have to go through life with more than just passion for change; you need a strategy. I'll repeat that. I want you to have passion, but you have to have a strategy. Not just awareness, but action."
~ Barack Obama
The Essence of Complementarity
"I believe that it’s really interesting and really fun and really informative, and the right thing to do to be able to look at things in different ways, and appreciate there are different ways of looking at things that each have their own validity."
~ Frank Wilczek
Not Knowing What To Talk About
"Just this physical body right here, the energy in it, is equivalent to 30 hydrogen bombs I have right now. And that’s my only guarantee. I don’t know about tomorrow, but I have right now, and I’ve got this power. What am I going to do with it?"
~ Craig Minowa
Short-Term Irritations, Long-Term Payoffs
If you know what to expect, and try not to take these initial attentional challenges personally, they will actually help train you to be more clever about relating to a wider variety of mental, physical, and emotional discomforts.
Many People Don't Understand This Is Happening
"Just like muscles, our mental muscle, if you will, responds to exercise. It’s just which exercise you’re going to do."
~ Dr. James R. Doty
Little Victories
I enjoyed every minute of listening to Jason Gay describe what it feels like to stumble into regular adulthood. It felt like having a long conversation with a friend who makes you laugh, not by trying to be funny, but simply by describing ordinary life in all its messiness.
Well-Being is a Skill
"If one practices the skills of well-being, one will get better at it."
~ Dr. Richard Davidson
What Is It Like Up there?
What is it like up there
above the shut-off level
of our simple ears?
~ Lisa Mueller
What To Do Next
"I cannot imagine how we forgive ourselves for all of the things we didn’t say until it was too late."
~ Doc Luben
All The World's a Self-Reflexive Stage
"Our brains evolved in such a way as to render us all eager but flawed mind readers."
~ Michael Bérubé