A Few Simple Ways To Make Mindfulness More Doable

Mindfulness practice builds liberating attentional skills.

Ironically, we tend to approach it too restrictively.

You’ll practice more by exercising your options.

Most people have a limited view of what counts.

  • Timing your practice

  • Noticing your breath

  • Trying to be calm

Instead of abandoning these approaches, expand on them.

Explore time on and off the clock

Noticing sensations and perceptions closely is the essence of mindfulness practice. It only takes a few seconds. You can do it anytime and in any situation.

Every repetition counts.

Timed practice consists of stringing together one repetition after another. This strengthens your ability to sneak untimed practice into your life.

Explore the breath and other perceptions

It’s easy to assume that the sensations related to breathing are your only options. However, sights and sounds provide endless opportunities to practice deciding what to attend to.

You can try to keep your eyes on the road while you drive. You can listen to sounds around you while you walk the dog. There are tons of sensations in the body unrelated to breathing you can explore, too.

Explore how you feel without trying to change it

In addition to sensory perceptions, you can observe your thoughts and feelings a little more objectively.

Instead of trying to be calm when you’re not, notice what it feels like to be angry, sad, or excited for a minute. Get fascinated by what it feels like to be alive.

A narrow approach to mindfulness isn’t sustainable. A flexible approach will help you inhabit the richness of life more fully and with less internal friction.

Daron Larson

Mindfulness coach and teacher who focuses on practical, personalized ways to sneak attention exercises into daily life. I also speak and lead webinars and mindfulness practice sessions. Audiences appreciate my down-to-earth style, relatable humor, and practical approach to mindfulness. 


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