Transforming Claustrophobia into Freedom
“I think a lot of the work comes out of that—turning what starts as claustrophobia or containment into something that is releasing and infinite, the paradox that we live within a body that has a skin that is our bounding condition and yet have this faculty of imaginative extension into endless space.”
~ Antony Gormley
The Hidden Discipline of Familiarity
"Half of what’s about to occur is unknown, both inside you and outside you."
~ David Whyte
Real Things
"The idea that reality is not real or what you sense and feel is not authentic is something I’m very skeptical of."
~ Bill Nye
Down My Arms, A Thousand Satellites
down my arms, a thousand satellites
suddenly discover signs of life
Emotion and Touch are Deeply Linked
"We have this strong idea, in the culture and in the language, that emotion and touch are deeply linked, and I think the neuroanatomy bears this out."
~ David Linden
Serene Isolation
"The serene isolation that can be felt in a crowded and often chaotic world." ~ Genevieve
Letting Go of Mental Images
"Meditating on the body means meditating on body sensation, not mental images of the body."
~ Michael Taft
Inside and Outside
"Take a few minutes now to just listen to and become aware of your surroundings."
~ Adyashanti
Waiting for the Weekend
isn’t there some value in motivating ourselves through unpleasant tasks and activities by imagining the relief that will follow? Is there really anything wrong with taking a bit of comfort during a tedious meeting or lecture on Wednesday morning by imagining how much fun we’re planning to have on Friday evening?
Seeing for Yourself What Works
"Seeing for yourself, from your own experience, what works and what doesn’t is what meditation is all about."
~ Jason Siff