Balancing Monsters of Love
"A saint does not dissolve the chaos; if he did the world would have changed long ago. I do not think that a saint dissolves the chaos even for himself, for there is something arrogant and warlike in the notion of a man setting the universe in order."
~ Leonard Cohen
You are Not Your Thoughts
"You are the awareness of your thoughts. You are not your thoughts. You can let your thoughts happen. Just know that the real you is the awareness."
~ RuPaul
Lucky to Live Sad Moments
"Sadness is poetic. You're lucky to live sad moments...Because we don't want that first bit of sad, we push it away...You never feel completely sad or completely happy. You just feel kind of satisfied with your product, and then you die."
~ Louis C.K.
Bring It On!
"We have this idea now in our society that are never supposed to feel bad. We’re never supposed to feel anxious. We’re never supposed to feel exhausted."
~ Alex Lickerman
Is This What Being Vulnerable Feels Like?
i’ll run the risk
of being intimate with brokenness.
~ Sleeping At Last
The Beautiful Fragility
Let it come closer, let it engulf you if it must.
Until there is no division between self and sadness.
Until you cannot call it sadness at all.
Until there is only intimacy.
~ Jeff Foster
The Myth of Permanence
"Contemplating impermanence can be a liberating experience, one that brings both sobriety and joy."
~ Sakyong Mipham
A Few Seconds of Acceptance
"This simple act of acceptance – which may only last a few seconds – offers a taste of that open space of essence love, an acceptance of the warmth that is your basic nature, the heart of your own being."
~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Serene Isolation
"The serene isolation that can be felt in a crowded and often chaotic world." ~ Genevieve
A Way Through
"The quite cynical response would be to say, Why we love nihilism in pop culture is that it saves us having to be burdened with it. It saves us from feeling it. We can enjoy it in our rooms. We can get off on it. And then we let it go and we go back to work." ~ Simon Critchley
Must Proceed
Barron Storey talked to Temple of Art about what he does as an artist in the face of failure. This is the result.
Sinking into the Mystery
"What happens when, just for a moment, we stay with our pain, our fear, our doubt, our discomfort, our grief, our broken heart, even our numbness, without trying to change it, or fix it, or numb ourselves to it, or get rid of it in any way? What happens when, even when we feel like leaving, abandoning the moment for the promise of a future salvation, we stay, sitting with the raw, unfiltered, boundlessly alive life-energy that is simply trying to express right now?" ~ Jeff Foster
Both the Protagonist and the Antagonist
Doris Payne lived large. She traveled abroad. She stayed in luxury hotels. She hung out with interesting characters. But she funded all her adventures by fencing the diamonds she lifted from high-end jewelers around the world. She was a remarkably successful thief with an impressive criminal career that spanned decades. But time, age, and technology finally caught up with her in recent years.
Attentional Fitness Exercises for Worry and Insomnia
Learn how to take breaks from your story and get some rest.
Our One Work
How many nights must it take
one such as me to learn
that we aren't, after all, made
from that bird that flies out of its ashes