What Really Matters
"There’s a tendency for us to think that to be a prophet or to do anything grand, you have to have a special gift, be someone called for. And I think ultimately what really matters is the resolve — to want to do it, to give your life to that which you consider important."
~ Enrique Martínez Celaya
Every Day
Musician Emily Caudill believes that life is a song, and the music is composed by our stories. Her life-saving chemotherapy treatment causes her to lose her hearing. Her response to this obstacle is an inspiration to anyone engaged in daily practice regardless of the day-to-day results.
Must Proceed
Barron Storey talked to Temple of Art about what he does as an artist in the face of failure. This is the result.
Strategic Patience
Art and architecture history professor Jennifer Roberts requires her students to write a twenty-page research paper on a single work of art. Before they begin the research, however, they are expected to spend three hours in front of the actual work. No electronic devices. No distractions. They have to rely on their vision, curiosity, and skills of observation to navigate the slow passing of time.
Waiting Strategies for Giving and Receiving Care
Whether we are giving or receiving care, we come face-to-face with time’s elasticity – how it seems to speed up and slow down.