Put Your Tush to the Cush
"These days, meditation for me is like brushing my teeth."
~ Brad Warner
Belonging, Blooming, and Beginning Again
If worries were stones that could be polished by rolling around repeatedly in our minds, one of the shiniest rocks in my tumbler would have to be wondering where I really belong.
If You Lived Here…
One good definition of suffering is the wish for our current circumstances to be different than they are, which means that most of us suffer a great deal of the time. The degree to which we suffer fluctuates based on the gulf between how things are and our idea of a more perfect set of circumstances. The resistance to accepting what is happening right now takes energy. No wonder why so many of us frequently report feeling exhausted.
The Mind Mistakes the Talking for the Doing
I recommend keeping your new mindfulness practice to yourself until the habit is established.
Seeing for Yourself What Works
"Seeing for yourself, from your own experience, what works and what doesn’t is what meditation is all about."
~ Jason Siff