See More, Hear More, Feel More
IMAX enhances awareness of the objective world by increasing the intensity. Strengthening your attentional skills elevates awareness of the subjective world — your thoughts and feelings — as well as the interplay between both worlds.
Intensity isn’t required.
Mindful Streaming Tricks For Binge Watchers Who Want To Experience Hi-Def Offscreen Lives
Watch like a video editor and a psychologist to bring more attention to your life.
Cinematic Attention for a High-Definition Life
Any perception you can observe directly in real time can be used to train a variety of attention-related skills.
I like to make a game out of turning ordinary activities into opportunities for practice.
There are a number of exercises I use when watching a film — whether it’s one I enjoy, dislike, or have seen before.
Is It Not Beautiful?
yù yī - 玉衣
n. the desire to see with fresh eyes, and feel things just as intensely as you did when you were younger—before expectations, before memory, before words.
Catch Yourself Absorbed
When you catch yourself absorbed by some immediate aspect of your environment, try to yield to the observation fully for a few seconds.
Respites in the Demands of Sensation
I swoon and recoil at the tresses blowing
in an arbor without glow
or flame. These are reprieves. Respites
in the demands of sensation
and flow. Know this: you can you can
you can you can you can.
~ Margot Schilpp
How One Surrenders to the Emptiness
Why should we grieve that we’ve been sleeping?
It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been unconscious.
We’re groggy, but let the guilt go.
Feel the motions of tenderness
around you, the buoyancy.
Explore, Fixate, Repeat, All Day, Every Day
“Every known visual system depends on movement: we see things either because they move or because our eyes do.”
Susana Martinez-Conde
Choosing What We Perceive
“The eye exists to detect movement. Any image, perfectly stabilized on the retina, vanishes. Our eyes cannot see stationary objects, and must tremble constantly to bring them into view.”
Simon Ings
If We Could See Them As They Are
“What would people look like
if we could see them as they are…”
Ellen Bass