JamesCare for Life Monthly Mindfulness Workshop

The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center’s JamesCare for Life program sponsors this free monthly workshop series for cancer survivors and caregivers.

Through guided exercises and discussion, participants learn evidence-based ways mindfulness can develop focus, healthy habits, and resilience.

Sessions are currently being facilitated via CarmenZoom.

  • Self-Compassion for Caregivers
    Thursday, Nov. 7, from 11:30 am — 12:30 pm

  • Emotional Resilience for the Holidays (register)
    Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024, from 11:30 am — 12:30 pm

  • Sneak Mindfulness into Your Day (register)
    Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025, from 11:30 am — 12:30 pm

Daron Larson

Mindfulness coach and teacher who focuses on practical, personalized ways to sneak attention exercises into daily life. I also speak and lead webinars and mindfulness practice sessions. Audiences appreciate my down-to-earth style, relatable humor, and practical approach to mindfulness. 


Live Online Practice


Introduction to Mindfulness