The Sacred Stays Sacred
I took this photo with a disposable camera – after accidentally frying the digital one I'd brought on the first day of the trip – and it's one of my all-time favorite shots. It's a reminder to me that holiness and human imperfection are inseparably tangled up together.
The Past Alive
a game we played
so many times
I finally taught my sons,
not knowing what it was,
until too late, I’d done.
~ Patrick Phillips
Cooperating & Homemaking
Homemaking is creating an environment in which learning is possible.
~ Mary Catherine Bateson
Before You Know It
"How’s this poem for its ability to collapse all the years from childhood to middle age in a matter of fifteen short lines?"
We Don't Want to Want
"We cannot receive love, however, if we are not open to the raw and tender experience of wanting it. Suppressing or denying desire shuts down our openness to receiving nourishment, and thus only intensifies our hunger."
~ John Welwood
The Only Calibration that Counts
"That's the paradox: the only time most people feel alive is when they're suffering, when something overwhelms their ordinary, careful armour, and the naked child is flung out onto the world. That's why the things that are worst to undergo are best to remember."
~ Ted Hughes
Is It Not Beautiful?
yù yī - 玉衣
n. the desire to see with fresh eyes, and feel things just as intensely as you did when you were younger—before expectations, before memory, before words.
More Time to Play
"Educators are worried that you need that content for the exams that you're going to take, but what's more important is that you should want to learn. What's more important is for you to know how to find that information if you need it. What's more important is for you to learn how to problem solve and use that information." ~ Adele Diamond
They Would Not Understand
"We are surrounded at every instant
by sights that ought to strike the sane
unbenumbed person tongue-tied, mute
with gratitude and terror. However,
The Important of Kindness and Hush
"There's a thing when we're children we experience. It usually exists in libraries and it's called the hush. Like this magic world called Hush. There's not many places now to find hush. Somethimes I really do think if every person would experience hush—even if they almost have to force it on themselves for a while—just the bird, just the wind, nothing else, hush—there would be less violence."