Daron's Friendliness Resistance Mix Tape
Friendliness resistance training (my spin on loving-kindness practice) offers an opportunity to explore the notion that human behavior is driven by common drives to be safe, happy, healthy, and comfortable. This is in contrast to our normal default mode of evaluating the observable actions of others.
Here are some songs that tend to reduce my resistance to friendliness.
Some Small Weak Tender Hidden Part
"I wonder what would happen if
I treated everyone like I was in love
with them, whether I like them or not."
~ Derek Tasker
Habits of Social Connection Leave Physical Imprint
"Our ingrained habits change us. Neurons that fire together, wire together, neuroscientists like to say, reflecting the increasing evidence that experiences leave imprints on our neural pathways, a phenomenon called neuroplasticity. Any habit molds the very structure of your brain in ways that strengthen your proclivity for that habit." ~ Barbara Fredrickson
Silent Contributions to the Conversation
May our sincere, imperfect efforts contribute something useful to the conversation between the contemplative traditions and neuroscience, which share the desire to reduce human suffering.
Love at First Sight
"Fall in love with the first thing or person you see. Your latte, the café worker, a bottle of ketchup, a bird out the window, a panel truck passing. Whatever. Write about it, talk to it, focus on it rapturously. A variation: Jot down a list of things you see around you and fall recklessly in love with all of them."
~ Kim Addonizio