More Important than IQ
"Getting people to pause and wait and not act on their immediate desire is actually one way in which we can get them to be more patient in the long run."
Ayelet Fishbach
What Was Happening in Our Minds?
"It just makes me wonder what was happening in our minds, or inwardly then, or even in terms of our relationship to the world we were standing in that is completely gone now."
~ Krista Tippett
Departure Lounge
"Truth clears away / So many souvenirs. The shelves come clean." ~ Clive James
Strategic Patience
Art and architecture history professor Jennifer Roberts requires her students to write a twenty-page research paper on a single work of art. Before they begin the research, however, they are expected to spend three hours in front of the actual work. No electronic devices. No distractions. They have to rely on their vision, curiosity, and skills of observation to navigate the slow passing of time.
Waiting Strategies for Giving and Receiving Care
Whether we are giving or receiving care, we come face-to-face with time’s elasticity – how it seems to speed up and slow down.
Waiting for the Weekend
isn’t there some value in motivating ourselves through unpleasant tasks and activities by imagining the relief that will follow? Is there really anything wrong with taking a bit of comfort during a tedious meeting or lecture on Wednesday morning by imagining how much fun we’re planning to have on Friday evening?