To Hear Sound for the Very First Time
"In some of my research on cochlear implants, I learned that when they are turned on for the first time, patients often say the sound is kind of 'digital' or 'mechanical' sounding, which is entirely normal. I guess the ears and brain eventually normalize the signal and things begin to sound more natural. I thought that was entirely fascinating, so I made it a part of my song."
~ Ryan O'Neal, from "HearingI & How It Was Made"
Real Things
"The idea that reality is not real or what you sense and feel is not authentic is something I’m very skeptical of."
~ Bill Nye
If Only You Could See
"I will not return to a universe
of objects that don’t know each other,
as if islands were not the lost children
of one great continent."
~ Lisel Mueller
Short-Term Irritations, Long-Term Payoffs
If you know what to expect, and try not to take these initial attentional challenges personally, they will actually help train you to be more clever about relating to a wider variety of mental, physical, and emotional discomforts.
Many People Don't Understand This Is Happening
"Just like muscles, our mental muscle, if you will, responds to exercise. It’s just which exercise you’re going to do."
~ Dr. James R. Doty
Little Victories
I enjoyed every minute of listening to Jason Gay describe what it feels like to stumble into regular adulthood. It felt like having a long conversation with a friend who makes you laugh, not by trying to be funny, but simply by describing ordinary life in all its messiness.
Well-Being is a Skill
"If one practices the skills of well-being, one will get better at it."
~ Dr. Richard Davidson
What Is It Like Up there?
What is it like up there
above the shut-off level
of our simple ears?
~ Lisa Mueller
Curiosity is Naturally Rewarding
"The paradox here is that mindfulness is just about being really interested in getting close and personal with what's actually happening in our bodies and minds from moment to moment."
~ Dr. Judson Brewer
Watching the Clock
"As conscious human beings, we know we die, and we therefore know our clock ends on, some level. So time just seems foundational. And I think a lot of the gymnastics that we do as human beings has to do with our relationship to the clock, or lack of a relationship to the clock. We squander time until it’s too late, et cetera. I love looking at the building blocks, the raw material, the irreducibles."
~ B.J. Miller
What To Do Next
"I cannot imagine how we forgive ourselves for all of the things we didn’t say until it was too late."
~ Doc Luben
All The World's a Self-Reflexive Stage
"Our brains evolved in such a way as to render us all eager but flawed mind readers."
~ Michael Bérubé
A Story I Will Try To Tell Without Words
the strangest things can conjure up the past,
and forgotten time will find its long way back.
as thin as air, as light as snow
some combination of the unknown,
but it doesn’t matter, i just know i need more.
~ Sleeping at Last
The Past Alive
a game we played
so many times
I finally taught my sons,
not knowing what it was,
until too late, I’d done.
~ Patrick Phillips
More Mysterious
"When you penetrate a mystery, it doesn’t become less mysterious. It becomes, if anything, more mysterious."
~ Stephen Batchelor
Difficult To Measure
We give such importance to the word peace, but we don’t tend to notice it when it occurs — or report on it.
A Work In Progress
We’re nothing less than a work in progress,
sacred text on post it notes.
Seeing The Shape
Wisdom is seeing the shape of your life
without obliterating (getting over) a single
instant of it.
~ Albert Huffstickler