Learn How To Respond Wisely
"The proposition here is not that you should be rendered by mindfulness into some lifeless, nonjudgmental blog. The proposition is that you should learn how to respond wisely to things that happen to you rather than just reacting blindly."
~ Dan Harris
Stress as Personal Engagement Barometer
"The same circumstances that give rise to stress, also give rise to these positive experiences and that’s what I call the stress paradox. That even though we experience stress in the moment as distressing and we often think of it as being undesirable in our lives, we might wish for a less stressful life."
~ Kelly McGonigal
Carry On Your Own Strategy
Nobody wants to learn new coping strategies from the people who they perceive to be orchestrating their immediate discomforts.
Traveling Light
Five strategies for reducing travel stress -- especially around the holidays -- by Allan Lokos, from "Peace While Traveling? Not Impossible," by Rachel Lee Harris, The New York Times, December 15, 2011.