Daron Larson Daron Larson

More Than Calm

Equanimity is the ability to allow a sensory perception to play out without trying to change it. It’s an attentional skill you already have that gets stronger when you exercise it habitually.

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Practice in Life, Feel In, Hear Out, Equanimity Daron Larson Practice in Life, Feel In, Hear Out, Equanimity Daron Larson

The opposite of not caring

I'm not a snob about contemplative practice. I see zero shame in scrolling through Instagram during moments like these. I'm not trying to maintain monastic levels of composure throughout the day.

I just decided to explore what would happen if I fell back on what has proved paradoxically comforting in the past when waiting for potentially terrible news.

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Uncategorized Daron Larson Uncategorized Daron Larson

Let the Cage Rattle

"It’s ironic that the biggest potential problem associated with focusing on emotional discomfort is closely linked to one of its most powerful payoffs: our cage may get rattled a bit before it collapses."

Shinzen Young

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